Of Applied Learning (VCAL) and Vocational Education and Training in Schools Victoria's completion rates have notĭEECD did not provide comprehensive evidence-basedĭecision-makers to inform recent funding changes to the Victorian Certificate Unlikely to meet completion rate targets set through the National Partnership Government's Growing Victoria Together target and is Student completion rates in the past 10 years. There are concerns about DEECD’s ability to provideĬomprehensive, informed advice to decision-makers to improveĭEECD has failed to significantly improve DEECD did not use adequate processes toĪnticipate the compounding impact of multiple changes affecting The information provided to decision-makers regarding theĭecision to cease the VCAL coordinator funding was incomplete and Students from rural or disadvantaged backgrounds. Or breadth of VCAL course offerings is most likely to impact on The impact of any reduction in the availability Government $12.3 million per year, DEECD does not know how much itĪctually costs schools to deliver VCAL or whether schools can meet While the decision to cease funding Victorian Certificate ofĪpplied Learning (VCAL) coordinators in schools will save the Resources to address vulnerable student's needs. Rates and DEECD does not know whether these programs are beingĭelivered efficiently and effectively or if schools have sufficient Such as non-metropolitan and low socio-economic students.ĭEECD’s programs to support students at risk of disengaging fromĮducation have failed to make a significant impact on completion Improvement is more stark for disadvantaged and at risk cohorts Number of students achieving Year 12 or equivalent. Rates over the past decade, the Department of Education and EarlyĬhildhood Development (DEECD) has not significantly improved the Improves the ability of Victorians to participate socially andĭespite a significant focus on addressing student completion Predictor of future health, employment and welfare prospects and The completion of Year 12 or equivalent is an important